and haven't yet, here's the link! :)
So lately I've been wondering about the teachings of the early days of the church, and some of the more prominent female figures from then. I've always been hearing the rumor that women back in the early days of the church had the authority for the laying on of hands, Eliza R. Snow was a feminist, our Heavenly Mother is a taboo topic. Then comes the thought flashing in my head: Research Time!
I have always loved the example of Eliza R. Snow. That
amazing lady has always been portrayed to me as a strong, opinionated, "I
am not going to take any crap from anybody" kind of person. Plus, she's
the author of the classic Mormon hymn, page 292, "O My Father". She was the
second General Relief Society President until her death in 18871. She was a
prominent poet, and touched many with her written works.
She was one of the first to imply that we have a Heavenly Mother, in the above-mentioned "O My Father":
- I had learned to call thee Father, Through thy Spirit from on high,
- But until the key of knowledge Was restored, I knew not why.
- In the heavens are parents single? No, the thought makes reason stare!
- Truth is reason, truth eternal Tells me I've a mother there.
- When I leave this frail existence, When I lay this mortal by,
- Father, Mother, may I meet you, In your royal courts on high?
- Then, at length, when I've completed All you sent me forth to do,
- With your mutual approbation, Let me come and dwell with you.
I've always been fascinated with the mysterious Heavenly Mother. But what has recently got me is the part about truth. Truth is mentioned twice, and in direct relation to the existence of our dear loving Mother.
If truth is reason and if truth is eternal, why is it that the doctrine of our Heavenly Mother considered taboo, or frowned upon because of cultural perception?
The church is mostly silent on the topic. Official mention of our Heavenly Mother from the church is constricted to just a statement on evolution in 1909: "All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother and are literally the sons and daughters of Deity"2 and, more recently, The Family: A Proclamation to the World where a another statement infers the existence of a Heavenly Mother: "Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents..."3
I found a fun little tidbit from Orson Pratt, an early LDS apostle, that, truthfully, makes me a little upset. In his book The Seer (c. 1853). He has a paragraph that mentions our Heavenly Mother:
"As God the Father begat the fleshly body of Jesus, so
He, before the world began, begat his spirit. As the body required an earthly
Mother, so his spirit required a heavenly Mother. As God associated in the
capacity of a husband with the earthly mother, so likewise he associated in the
same capacity with the heavenly one; earthly things being in the likeness of
heavenly things [...] But if we have a heavenly Mother as well as a heavenly
Father, is it not right that we should worship the Mother of our spirits, as
well as the Father? No; for the Father of our spirits is at the head of His
household, and His wives and children are required to yield the most perfect
obedience to their great Head. It is lawful for the children to worship the
King of heaven, but not the "Queen of heaven." The children of Israel
were severely reproved for making offerings to the "Queen of heaven."
Although she is highly exalted and honored as the beloved bride of the great King,
yet the children, so far as we are informed, have never been commanded to pray
to her or worship her."4
I'm not sure where to start off on this, but here we go. I want to know where it is mentioned in the Bible of the Israelites worshiping the "Queen of heaven".Okay, found it. Jeremiah 7:18-19 and Jeremiah 44:17-20
18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to athe queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
19 Do they provoke me to anger? saith the Lord: do they not provoke themselves ato the confusion of their own faces?
17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our aown mouth, to burn incense unto bthe queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of cvictuals, and were well, and saw no evil.
18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have awanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.
19 And
when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink
offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out
drink offerings unto her, without our men?
The funny thing is, when I click on the footnote where it says "the queen of heaven", it is supposedly referring to the fertility goddess, such as the Babylonian Ishtar.
I believe there is a difference between worshiping a false, polytheistic God than our Heavenly Mother....
My next problem: "[...] the Father of our spirits is at the head of His household, and His wives and children are required to yield the most perfect obedience to their great Head."
I feel as if I'm kind of getting into a delicate situation here. I absolutely am not implying that we should not have obedience toward God, but the way Mr. Pratt says makes it seem as if She is considered less than equal to our Heavenly Father.
Let's quote The Family: A Proclamation to the World again. "[...] fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners." I have heard countless times from the General Authorities that men and women are equal "but different". This is a tricky spot. Theoretically, do God and our Heavenly Mother "help one another as equal partners"?
In all actuality, my opinion doesn't really matter, because dear ole' Orson's "doctrinal declarations" were condemned by the church. "The Seer [and other writings by Pratt] contain doctrines which we cannot sanction, and which we have felt impressed to disown, so that the Saints who now live, and who may live hereafter, may not be misled by our silence, or be left to misinterpret it. Where these objectionable works, or parts of works, are bound in volumes, or otherwise, they should be cut out and destroyed." Ouch.
You may think that this was off-topic, but if just one man had a mindset like this, surely there were many more who did also? I realize that there are some major differences in the church now from the church in the mid-1800s (for example, polygamy), but the attitude for some things hasn't seemed to change much.
So, pray tell, why is the church silent? There's always been the controversy of the fact that she is considered so sacred that we shouldn't talk about her, because we don't want to disrespect her. I personally don't think that's a very good reason. Okay, that came out wrong. I appreciate the fact that we don't want to disrespect our loving Heavenly Mother, but we know about and talk about the most powerful, almighty being in the known universe. Sadly, He is disrespected all the time, at any given second of the day. But that doesn't prevent us from talking about Him and learning spiritually from the scriptures concerning him.
So, I have a coupla' theories.
1) The LDS church has established that our church already has some pretty different views about God and the Godhead than your common neighborhood Christian church down the street. Maybe the formal establishment of our Heavenly Mother would make the LDS church seem to lean to more polytheistic views? Maybe it's better to lay low and be neutral than advertise such beliefs to the world?
2) Some of the sisters "back in the day" were what could definitely be considered feminists. Besides Eliza R. Snow, Emmeline B. Wells, and Bathsheba W. Smith probably could be considered "Mormon Feminists" of their time, and they had some strong beliefs. Does the church think that by indoctrinating our Heavenly Mother's existence, that would maybe rile up more of the women and encourage them with their "unrealistic" views on Mormon feminism, priesthood, and equality? (Have a look at a recent talk by M. Russel Ballard, "Let Us Think Straight" from BYU Education Week. I'm definitely going to write something about that later.)
When it comes to feminine equality, I think that Brigham Young, second president of the church, was ahead of his time. He once said (emphasis added):
"As I have often told my sisters in the Female Relief Societies, we have sisters here who, if they had the privilege of studying, would make just as good mathematicians or accountants as any man; and we think they ought to have the privilege to study these branches of knowledge that they may develop the powers with which they are endowed. We believe that women are useful not only to sweep houses, wash dishes, make beds, and raise babies, but that they should stand behind the counter, study law or physic [medicine], or become good book-keepers and be able to do the business in any counting house, and this to enlarge their sphere of usefulness for the benefit of society at large."5
Also, quoting from Wikipedia: The Woman's
Exponent publication (the R.S. official newspaper) published a 1920
editorial in favor of "Equal rights before the law, equal pay for equal
work, equal political rights", stating that a women's place is not just
"in the nursery" but "in the library, the laboratory, the
Eliza R. Snow threw in her two cents also by saying the following quote:
"Is it necessary for sisters to be set apart to officiate in the sacred ordinances of washing, anointing, and laying on of hands in administering to the sick? It certainly is not. Any and all sisters who honor their holy endowments, not only have right, but should feel it a duty, whenever called upon to administer to our sisters in these ordinances, which God has graciously committed to His daughters as well as to His sons; and we testify that when administered and received in faith and humility they are accompanied with almighty power."
After looking Eliza R. Snow up on Wikipedia, I found a link
to one of her poems that I found to be quite touching. Here are a few stanzas (emphasis added):7
Though deepening trials throng your way,
Press on, press on, ye Saints of God!
Ere long the resurrection day
Will spread its light and truth abroad.
Lift up your hearts in praise to God;
Let your rejoicings never cease;
Though tribulations rage abroad,
Christ says, "In me ye shall have peace."
What though our rights have been assailed?
What though by foes we've been despoiled?
Jehovah's promise has not failed;
Jehovah's purpose is not foiled.
Though Satan rage, 'tis all in vain;
The words the ancient Prophet spoke,
Sure as the throne of God remain;
Nor man nor devils can revoke.
My last quote is perhaps my most favorite that I've found while researching this post. Emmeline B. Wells' words will continue to strongly echo in my mind. She put perfectly the struggle for self between the women of the church and the church's leaders. The same was true back then in the 1800s and it is still true today:
"Let woman speak for herself; she has the right of freedom of speech. Women are too slow in moving forward, afraid of criticism, of being called unwomanly, of being thought masculine. What of it? If men are so much superior to women, the nearer we come up to the manly standard the higher we elevate ourselves."
Truth is always what we seem to seek for. We seek for truth in our everyday lives, in our work, in our schooling, and in our relationships with others. You know that old saying, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free"? Eliza R. Snow had that down perfectly. She knew that we probably wouldn't gain all of the answers we wanted in this lifetime, but there is surely another to come." In her poem, she says "Ere long the resurrection day, Will spread its light and truth abroad." And again, the line from "O My Father: "Truth is reason, truth eternal, tells me I've a mother there."
There is no end to virtue;
There is
no end to might;
There is no end to wisdom;
There is no end to light.
There is no end to union;
There is no end to youth;
There is no end to priesthood;
There is no end to truth.
-Hymn 284, "If You Could Hie To Kolob" by William W. Phelps
Also, here is a GREAT piano arrangement of "O My
Father" that I found on YouTube8 by
Lacie Kirk... I really wanna learn it now :)
1. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia,"Eliza R. Snow" (
2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "The Origin of Man" (
3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" (
4. Brigham Young University Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries, The Seer by Orson Pratt (
5. Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, LDS Church, 1997, p. 135
6. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, "Women and Mormonism" (
7. Brigham Young University Mormon Literature Website, "Be Not Discouraged ('Though Deepening Trials')" (
8. YouTube, "O, My Father" - by Lacie Kirk (, website:!music/cg9c)
Btw, you may not consider Wikipedia a source, but I do ;)
Really enjoy reading your heartfelt researched thoughtful articles. That piano number was so beautiful! You should def learn that!