Tiffany and I were at the Stake Center tonight with all of the other YCLs getting Girl's Camp stuff ready. We volunteered to put a bunch of boxes of cookies and bags of marshmallows in red bags for the YCLs to give to each of their groups, and we were supposed to tie this little gem to it. I'm not even sure if I want to even get into this right now...
If this little card is used in the context as in, follow the commandments, teachings from the scriptures, etc. then that's great! Carry on! But with other things, I'm not so great at supporting the whole "unconditional obedience" thing. It's getting late, and I have summer seminary early tomorrow, so I'd better not get real in-depth right now. I guess I'll have to save a little steam for tomorrow, right? :)
*Note: Do the guys get any of these kinds of handouts at Scout Camp or anything like that?? Come on.*
S'mores... Do they taste good? XD